External and Internal Links: Absolute Website Basics


External and Internal Links: Absolute Website Basics

One of the most important aspects of search engine optimization is the ability to piece together different aspects of the internet. It’s almost like strings forming a net. One might almost consider it a web across the globe and we […]


Google Trends and Applying Keywords: Absolute Website Basics

One of the best and worst parts of SEO is that it’s so intricate. Now that you know some of the absolute basics about keywords, let’s dive a little further into the best methods on how to apply them. Today, […]


SEO Keyword and Ranking: Absolute Website Basics

Let’s talk about SEO and how it’s single-handedly the most important thing to always keep in mind when designing and maintaining a website. This can be helped by using a good SEO Keyword. First off, what is SEO? Search Engine […]


Xbox Series X and PS5 Pre-Orders? More like XBotch and PS Zero In Stock

Just because we’re no longer arguing about Nintendo and Sega nowadays, doesn’t mean the console war ever actually died down. The Xbox and PlayStation fan bases have been going head-to-head for nearly two decades already. But, the war for the […]